Friday, March 16, 2012

Health Benefits of Coconut

Coconut is the fruit or seed of the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, which is a member of Arecaceae family. It is found across most tropic and subtropical areas of the world. It is a tall palm that grows up to 30 meters tall, with pinnate leaves 4-6 meters long and pinnae 60-90 cm long. It has a smooth elongated trunk that extends from the ground upwards to the top where the leaves branch out. It is considered as a versatile plant as most parts of the coconut palm are used for various purposes. It is part of a daily diet for people in tropical and subtropical areas. Coconut provided a nutritional source of flesh, juice, milk, and oil and has been the staple diet in many generations of populations in places, especially the island communities in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. Coconut palm has very significant religious and cultural importance in many societies across the world.

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Uses of Coconut Tree
The versatility of the coconut palm makes it a very popular tree with huge commercial interests. Nearly one third of world’s population depends on coconut for their food and economy. Every part of the coconut tree has been used for some purpose or the other. The coconut flesh develops from the endosperm of the coconut. The endosperm of the coconut fruit is initially suspended in the coconut water within the shell. Later the layers of endosperm deposit along the walls of the coconut that forms the edible coconut flesh. The edible coconut flesh is widely used for preparation of foods, which is used as a base for various dishes that are made with it. One can find cakes, biscuits, candies, etc. made from the scraped coconut flesh. Tender coconut is a delicacy when the flesh is tender and the water tastes sweet and delicious. Coconut water is refreshing, nutritious, and a natural drink. It can also be processed and fermented to produce alcohol, which is a popular drink for some, available as toddy. The oil and milk is commonly used in cooking and frying of foods. Coconut oil is also used in the manufacture of soaps and cosmetics. The husks, leaves, and wood of the coconut palm have also been used for various purposes. The leaves and husks are used to make a variety of products for thatching, furnishing, and decoration of houses.

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Coconut Fruit Contains
Raw coconut flesh contains vitamins such as thiamine 6%, riboflavin 2%, niacin 4%, pantothenic acid 6%, vitamin B6 4%, folate 7% etc. It also contains vitamin C about 4%. The minerals include iron 19%, phosphorus 16%, zinc 12%, magnesium 9%, potassium 8% etc. It also contains carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Health Benefits
1. Coconut is high in dietary fiber, which provides 61% dietary fiber. There is feeling of fullness when consuming it and contributes to healthy bowel movements. It contains non digestible carbohydrates or insoluble fiber, the body cannot digest the dietary fiber in the coconut and so it contains no calories and no effect on blood sugar.

2. Coconut is high is vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It gives all the essential nutrients that are required for the body. It contains vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate etc. and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc.

3. Coconut oil contains saturated medium chain fatty acids and it is different from saturated long chain fatty acids, which is the fat that comes from cheese, meats, and diary products etc. The long chain fatty acids increase cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. The body is able to digest medium chain saturated fatty acids faster than saturated fatty acids of long chain.

4. Coconut oil helps in providing more energy as it speeds up metabolism providing an immediate source of energy. Coconut oil increases body metabolism, burning out more energy.

5. Coconut oil can be used for weight loss. It contains medium chain fatty acids or medium chain triglycerides which are metabolized in the liver for energy rather than long chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acid increases metabolism and produces energy and does not contribute to weight gain. While long chain fatty acid is metabolized in the liver and get deposited there for later use.

6. Coconut oil contains enzymes for digestion and is very easily digested. It does not require any pancreatic enzymes for its digestion. So it exerts lesser burden on the digestive system for digestion of the food. It promotes the absorption of other nutrients when taking it with other foods. It improves digestive system and prevents problems related to digestion.

7. It is extensively used as a food and also used in traditional medicine in Asia and the Pacific for centuries and has no bad effects in causing heart disease, diabetes etc. There is no increase in triglycerides, cholesterol, or risk or heart disease established when consuming coconut.

8. Coconut has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It contains fatty acids such as lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid that strengthen the immune system. It is proved that lauric acid gets converted into monolaurin in the body, which claims to deal with bacteria and viruses. It has anti inflammatory effect and regulates inflammation and thus helpful in inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, and infections.

9. Coconut oil promotes wound healing and repair.  When applied over bruised or infected areas over the skin, it protects the wound from external dust, bacteria, viruses, fungi, or any foreign bodies. It speeds up the wound healing by repair of damaged tissues.

10. Coconut water is a refreshing drink that beats the heat of the tropics. It is rich in sugars, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids etc. Coconut water is a clear, sweet, and sterile liquid and it is an excellent electrolyte replacement fluid. Those who do heavy work, sporting activities, running etc. coconut water is a great choice to replenish the electrolyte. It also does not cause dehydration.

11. Coconut oil is heat stable at very high temperatures. You can use coconut oil for cooking, baking, frying etc. Coconut oil has more benefits than other vegetable oils because it contains more of medium chain triglycerides.

12. Coconut oil is a natural conditioner and provides nutrition for the hair. It helps good hair growth and provides shiny complexion to the hair. It helps regeneration of dead hair follicles. It has all the essential nutrients needed for nourishing the hair. Many hair care products are available in the market that is made out of coconut oil.

13. Coconut oil is good massage oil for the skin. It gives good tone and complexion to the skin. It prevents skin from getting drying up or flaking. It prevents wrinkling and sagging of the skin and it has many anti ageing properties. It helps to treat and prevent any skin diseases like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc. It forms a base for various skin products that are available in the market.

1 comment:

  1. Coconut oil is very beneficial for health. Coconut oil is wonderful for the hair. Coconut oil is excellent for the skin.

    Lyme disease
